Children’s Ministry
We believe age-appropriate learning is so important to inspire kids in a life-long passion for Christ.

Sunday Mornings
Children, 3 years – 6th grade, are dismissed partway through the worship service to learn about Jesus through songs, Bible story and prayer.
We have two different classes: 3 years – 2nd grade, and 3rd grade – 6th grade.
An unstaffed nursery is available at any time for parents who need a place to take their babies.
Safety is a priority at Baleville. Every volunteer has completed a thorough background check and been trained in our safety protocols.
First Time?
When you walk in the door, you will be greeted by a friendly face at our check-in table. Please arrive approximately 10 minutes early so we can sign your kid(s) into our simple check-in system.
Does your child want to stay in the Worship Service? No Problem!
We know sermon content is generally geared for adults and older teens. However, younger children are capable of taking the information in and understanding it – they just need help breaking it down into manageable pieces.
We have Sermon Outline sheets specifically for kids ages 2nd-6th grade. Pick one up at the table in the back of the room.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Biron at

Friday Evenings * 6:30-8:00pm
Kidz Club is a program for kids ages Kindergarten – 6th grade. It meets each Friday from 6:30-8:00 pm at Baleville Church.
Our desire is to help children grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.
Join us for a fun night of active games, Bible memory, and interactive lessons!
Baleville Congregational Christian Church
Office Hours
T-F: 9:00 am-2:00 PM